Home Inspections (Pre-Purchase)

Approximately half the resale homes on the market today have at least one significant defect. It's no wonder then that many homebuyers employ professionals to inspect the structural and mechanical systems of the home and report on their condition.
While the property you have selected may appear to be just what you're looking for, how can you be sure there aren't potentially serious unknown defects that could make your investment a costly one?
By using the services of a licensed Home Inspector, you can gain a better understanding of the condition of the property, especially in determining whether items "function as intended" or "adversely affect the habitability of the dwelling" or whether something warrants further investigation by a contractor who specializes in the area in question.
Metrolina Inspection Services is dedicated to providing you with valuable information about your potential new home in order to significantly reduce your risk and help make the entire home buying process easier and less stressful. We can't catch everything, but no one can. But we do thoroughly inspect all major components of the subject property to expose unknown defects, and even look to highlight the positive attributes of the home.
There are Standards of Practice for North Carolina and South Carolina that all home inspectors licensed in those states must abide by. What sets Metrolina Inspection Services apart, however, is our customer service and, as conditions warrant, we perform additional tests and make observations frequently not provided by other home inspection companies.
The following components are an example of areas of a home that are professionally and thoroughly inspected in an independent, objective evaluation of their physical condition:
Mechanical Systems:
To assist both you and your Realtor, we have subscribed to the SUPRA SuperKey (MultAcc Key). This enables us to gain access to the inspection property in the event your Realtor is unable to attend the inspection, or plans to simply arrive for the summary findings at the end.
We encourage our clients to attend and observe the inspection, so their questions can be fully answered and explained. However, we understand this is not always practical for you. Regardless of whether or not you can attend, we provide you (and any representative you authorize) a comprehensive computerized report with digital pictures. These reports are posted on-line (password secured) generally the next business day. We are also available for telephone conference to fully explain the report and its findings.
Having your new property professionally inspected by Metrolina Inspection Services as early as possible in the buying process can potentially save you thousands of dollars on issues which the owner may have overlooked, or is unaware of, but that you don't need to inherit. We'll give you the most complete information you need so that you can make an informed decision. We even provide easy access, via our website, to information regarding future maintenance of your property to help you preserve its value.
The state of North Carolina requires that an agreement signed by the client be in place prior to the start of a home inspection (Section .1103(b)(1) of the N.C. Home Inspector Licensure Board Administrative Code) and the state of South Carolina requires that the inspector disclose the scope and limitations, if any, of each inspection before performing an inspection (Article 3, Section 40-59-255 of the S.C. Residential Builders Commission).
"Our commitment to you is built to last."
Metrolina Inspection Services provides property inspection and environmental testing services throughout the Charlotte ("Metrolina") region including Mecklenburg, Union, Cabarrus, Iredell, Gaston, and surrounding counties.